Firstly, I will share my list, then discuss certain card choices and match-ups.
Matt's Hero Beat (Bubble Beat):
Monsters: 10
1 E-Hero Stratos
3 E-Hero Neos Alius
2 E-Hero Bubbleman
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Photon Thrasher
1 Honest
Spells: 17
3 Miracle fusion
3 Gemini spark
2 E-Emergency call
2 Mystical space typhoon
2 Pot of duality
1 Reinforcement of the army
1 Monster reborn
1 Dark hole
1 Heavy storm
1 Super polymerization
Traps: 13
2 Dimensional prison
2 Bottomless trap hole
2 Torrential tribute
2 Compulsory evacuation device
1 Mirror force
1 Fiendish chain
1 Hero blast
1 Solemn warning
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Starlight road
Extra Deck
2 E-Hero the shining
2 E-Hero absolute zero
1 E-Hero nova master
1 E-Hero Great tornado
1 E-Hero Escuridao
1 E-Hero Gaia
1 Heroic Champion Excalibur
1 Blade armor ninja
1 Maestroke
1 Utopia
1 Abyss dweller
1 Starliege Paladyanamo
1 Stardust dragon
The side deck changes every week so I wont share that right now. I change it based on where I am playing and what decks I expect to be there.
The deck runs really consistently and usually achieves what it sets out to do every game. That is, gain small card advantages through gemini spark, hero blast, E-Hero stratos and smart use of the many traps in the deck, then explode in the late game with cards like miracle fusion and E-Hero Bubble man.
The deck can change its play style from control to aggro very quickly because of its access to powerful exceeds such as Heroic champion excalibur and the big E-Hero fusions.
I like photon thrasher for a few reasons: Its a warrior, which means it can go into the warrior xyz's and also means it can be searched through reinforcement of the army. Its 2100 attack can be very useful too, especially with getting over sabersaurus, gene warped warwolfs, evilswarm heliotropes and other pesky 1900+ Beaters. Its light too which gives it synergy with honest and the ability to use it for the summoning of the Shining.
I used to play more traps but after much thought decided I needed to play more aggressively this format because of the existence of mermails. The mermail matchup is a difficult one due to its speed and ability to explode without using too many cards. My way of dealing with mermails is smart use of Abyss Dweller and getting out Absolute zero as often as possible. They struggle to deal with Zero, and the fact that he gains 500 Atk for every water monster on the field can make him a real game ender.
Skill drain is a card I decided to take out of the main deck. Its a great card but really conflicts with my xyz's, especially in the mermail matchup where I really need abyss dweller's effect to control the game. I do however, side deck my skill drains for decks like geargia, inzektors, wind-ups and other rogue decks.
Im comfortable with 2 Mystical space typhoons at the moment. I used to play just the one but my meta has become very mermail heavy and alot of the time when I was playing just the single typhoon, not bieng able to answer their Abyss-Spheres was a major disadvantage.
Well, thats it for now. I really enjoyed writing up this deck profile, coming up next. Matt's Inzektor deck!
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